Once more into the virtual breach! We were definitely hoping to see each other in person this month, but alas, the pandemic has stymied our best laid plans. Our club meeting will be Monday June 22nd at 7:30, once again hosted online. Jim will be giving a talk on kettle souring! It promises to pucker up your thinking cap! Details and links will be sent out on Monday using the email list from the newsletter, if you did not receive a link please email President@battlegroundbrewersguild.com. We hope to see everyone there!
Homebrew Con
Don’t forget to sign up for Virtual Homebrew Con, going on this weekend via Zoom starting this Thursday. The line up looks like a lot of fun and I know those who attend will learn a lot. Follow this link to sign up!
July Tasting
With the success of our last Virtual Tasting we will be having another on the 6th of July at 8pm. The beer is yet to be determined please reach out if you have any thoughts or suggestion. I just ask that any suggestions are from a local brewery and the beer fits somewhat into a BJCP Style Category.
Other Club Events
As Summer starts we typically begin to plan our Oktoberfest and The Skirmish in the Triad. As we are all painfully aware this is not a typical Summer. Your Board will be meeting soon to evaluate our options, talk to our partners, and see if these can be held safely and in full compliance with State, CDC, and WHO health and safety recommendations. These are my favorite events of the year and I don’t to see them postponed or cancelled but the health and safety of our members is my paramount concern