Maifest 5/20 at the Hops Farm!

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  • #81
    Chris Bristol

    Maifest is officially a go at the Hops Farm!

    The club will provide brats, burgers, buns, and condiments, and you bring the homebrew and a side or dessert to share. We’ll setup a few canopy tents and grill up some tasty food while we toss back a few homebrews. We’ll start the festivities at 1pm, and plan to eat around 2. If you’ve got any outdoor games to bring, please do so! I am planning to bring my corn hole set.

    Things to bring:
    1. Your drinking vessel – otherwise you’ll be doomed to the red solo cup of shame
    2. Homebrew – bottles, kegs, growlers, whatever you’ve got. We’ll need a few people to bring some CO2 as well. If you are bringing a keg, please bring a tap too.
    3. Side dish or dessert to share
    4. Tables & Chairs – we’ll need 5-10 tables and 20-30 chairs
    5. Canopy Tents – we’ll need about 5 of these

    The club bar will NOT be at this event, so if you’ve got a spare large tote/cooler or two laying around, please bring them so we can ice the kegs down. The club will have ice on hand, which we can use to keep the beers cool.

    Please post here with what side/dessert and any other equipment you are brining!

    A few days before the event, we’ll also need a work crew to help clean up the area where we’ll setup the picnic. If we get 4-5 of us together we can probably knock it out in a couple of hours. Look for more details about the work day when we get closer to the event.

    Maifest is a members and spouses/significant others only event, and is one of the perks of being a BBG member.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Chris Bristol.
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