Welcome to the All New BattlegroundBrewers.com

Thank you for visiting BBG’s new website! You may notice that it looks and feels completely different than it did before, and works much better on your mobile device. This is because we’ve transitioned to a completely new platform.  Due to that transition, we were not able to transition existing user accounts or forum posts over, so everybody gets a fresh start!

There is still more work to do, but with so many things going on, we wanted to get the site up and running ASAP.


    1. Southpawbrewer

      Hi George,

      I apologize in the delay on getting back to you. You are more than welcome to come to our meetings which are the 3rd Monday of each month at Little Brother Brewing in downtown Greensboro. Please sign up for the newsletter which comes out the first of each month and will provide updates on upcoming events.

      Please let me know if I can answer any questions.


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